Eyes & Brows- Eyebrows
Eyes are my favorite facial features. They tell so much about a person; who they are and how they feel. Clients often ask me "How do I get rid of the bags under my eyes?" Of course the number one answer is to get more sleep! Yea, but who really gets a full 8 hours of sleep when you're running a business/businesses, a mom or parent, a student and so on. Personally I don't get a full 8 hours of sleep, I'm a workaholic and always up creating, however I do get good sleep and am well rested. A good sleep is important, and in my last post I also stated the importance of drinking water to keep your body and skin hydrated along with a balanced diet.
So let's get into eyes. "Get them brows together!" Even if you don’t have time for makeup, take a few minutes to fill in and shape your brows. I love seeing nicely shaped eyebrows. Eyebrows are important when doing makeup as it sets the frame of the face and gets the eyes ready for eye shadow. Eyebrows can be challenging for some because those hairs of course seem to have a mind of their own. There are hundreds of products on the market from pencils, powder, pomade, gels and more. The easiest way to achieve a nice set of brows is to find what works for you. I can say pencils or powders are the best but, what good is that if you don’t know how to use it. When it comes to eyebrows here are some basics.

Pencils are good for filling, defining and shaping eyebrows. Line the top and bottom of your eyebrows and use small light strokes following the natural hairs of the brows to fill in any sparse areas, you can use heavier strokes for-more definition. Powders are great if you have light or sparse eyebrows, it gives a natural fill in to the hairs creating a fuller and thicker eyebrow. Powder brow products are pretty easy to use, you can control the amount of shade and thickness. After you filled in your brows, clean them up to give that perfect touch of definition. Take a small eyebrow brush and brush through the hairs to blend the pencil or remove any excess powder. Use a natural to light concealer and apply it underneath the eyebrow arch and above the brow bone getting as close to the edges of your eyebrow as possible with the concealer and then blend it out. With a small flat eye shadow brush and a natural or light gold eye shadow add a highlight to your eyes by lining underneath the brow and don't forget to blend! You can also have fun and top off your perfect brow and eyes with a nice color eye shadow.

When in doubt wing it out! A nice winged eyeliner is perfect for day or evening. Gel and pencil eyeliners are my favorite! Depending on how bold or defined you want your eyes, add eyeliner to your water line. With the right angle brush and a good gel eyeliner you can create that perfect wing. The key to a really good winged eyeliner is to have a steady hand and follow the shape of your eyes. Stay as close to the line of your eyelid as possible, starting from the inner corner of your eye, along the lid and bringing the liner slightly pass the end of your eye line creating a point. Go back over to make your wing as thick or thin as you want it and add a few coats of mascara. If you want an extra pop to your eyes, add full strip eyelashes. When you’ve mastered your perfect wing, it will be so on point you’ll feel extra confident and ready to take over the world!

Join me on my next blog as I get more into makeup, diy and product recommendations!